
One grain at a time...

What does a health coaching session look like?

August 2022

I often get the question,

 "What happens during a health coaching session?" 

Lets's be honest, we usually stray away from things unfamiliar, 

sadly in this case,

 valuable resources are untapped. 

Become familiar with coaching.

Before the session:

You may be asked to fill out  some general housekeeping paper work. 

This may include: 

an explanation of what to expect

an informed consent form

a client agreement, explaining how to book, pay, cancel or get a refund

a questionnaire 

First Session:

This session is usually an introduction session. This session is usually longer in length as the coach and client are both asking questions to see if they are a good match for each other. It is important for the client to feel safe with the coach and for the coach to feel they have the resources to support the clients success.


why Life Salted

Why Life Salted?

What does salt have to do with health and wellness coaching?

Simply, my husband, Angelo.

You see, we came together after our first marriages fell apart. Having to start over, I was determined to provide financial security for my children on my own merit. One day, Angelo suggested that I did not need him, to which I responded. "I don't need you; I want you. You are like salt on my eggs. Eggs are great unseasoned, but when you add salt they become amazing!"

Living a Life Salted is an awareness of our habits and beliefs. We play and experiment, releasing what no longer serves us and keeping what does. These habits and beliefs are like the grains of salt in our recipe for life. 

My childhood was a great teacher of survival skills. I used these skills to create what is considered a success in our culture. I had a great career, a home, and a family. The internal struggle was not apparent to anyone but me. I found these survival habits were no longer needed and had begun interfering with living my authentic life. I was proficient at getting through the day, but where was the joy?

My career provided that financial stability,  however, its cost was my physical and mental health. My work environment was out of alignment with my values and was full of stress. I knew there was more but was unsure where to turn. 

I researched, read, meditated, did yoga, painted, practiced reiki, wrote, ran, and worked with a functional medicine practitioner, just to name a few. I put into action the things I read and learned, one at a time. I became aware that these changes were adding "salt" to my life, and the flavors began to explode. 

That's when I found coaching. I enrolled in the functional medicine coaching academy and became an NBC-WBC.

I am now living my life; not just going through the motions. I have slowed down and  have an awareness of my intentions and actions. Everyday I ask myself, will _____(fill in the blank)  move me closer or further from my vision? When I am not sure, I experiment and pay attention to the process over outcome. 

It's not a perfect life nor a perfect execution, but with each step forward and some backward, I am following my path and enjoying each moment.


I'd love to support you in ramping up the flavor of your life